Welcome to the forums page! Every forum is curated and approved by yours truly, Bob Micheal Willis. Now, "what if i want to make a forum? there isn't a button that lets me!", you may not be asking, Well i'm here to help. In order to make a forum, you're going to want to contact 08Origin.contact@gmail.com, with the subject line being about you wanting to make a forum, and in the email itself, you're going to want to format it like this:
(optional)Display Name:[The name you want to be credited as, leave blank to be marked as anonymous]
Page Title:[Your Title]
Page Descriptions:[The description you want the forum to have on the forum list page]
Page Content:[the text you want on the Forum Page]
(optional)Image:[Attach an image file to have it displayed with your Forum Page]
now that we have that set up, you're gonna want to read the guidelines for submission
Forum topics can range from fanfictions, to fanart, to general discussions, to criticism, to discussion of musical interest to a reply forum that you can use and update with replies to other forums.
if you would like to update or add a new submission to your forum, then contact the same email, and use the same email address you used to send the forum application so that we can verify it is you, so that your page doesn't get sabotaged. if you are to make a new addition keep it on topic of the forum name, so if it's titled "08Origin fanarts", keep it dedicated to fanart, if it's titled "[Your display name]'s 08Origin forum", you can do a wider range of subjects.
These forums act as a way for fans to express their opinions, or even critics to criticize us. or if you want, the rules don't say anything about straight up trashing the band...remember though, these forums are curated, and we see everything ;3
updated: 2/28/25